For me, traveling is all about growing and learning by diving into new cultures and trying out new experiences.
Each pin represents an achievement unlocked with every visit and holds my memories of each city.
That's why, I only collect stuff from places I have visited.
Each pin represents an achievement unlocked with every visit and holds my memories of each city.
That's why, I only collect stuff from places I have visited.
For me, traveling is all about growing and learning
by diving into new cultures and trying out new experiences.
Each pin represents an achievement unlocked with every visit
and holds my memories of each city.
That's why, I only collect stuff from places I have visited.
by diving into new cultures and trying out new experiences.
Each pin represents an achievement unlocked with every visit
and holds my memories of each city.
That's why, I only collect stuff from places I have visited.
★ Innsbruck Cafe
★ Vienna Cafe
★ Nassau Cafe
⃠ Antwerp Cafe
★ Brussels Cafe
⃠ Cairo Cafe
★ London Cafe
⃠ London Hotel
⃠ London Hotel Shop
★ London Piccadilly Cafe
★ Manchester Cafe
★ Newcastle Cafe
⃠ Lyon Cafe
⃠ Lyon Shop Airport
⃠ Nice Cafe
★ Paris Cafe
★ Berlin Cafe
★ Berlin Shop Charlie
★ Munich Cafe
★ Munich Shop Airport
★ Athens Cafe
⃠ Athens Shop Plaka
⃠ Piraeus Port Shop
★ Budapest Cafe
⃠ Budapest Shop Airport
⃠ Budapest Hotel
⃠ Budapest Hotel Shop
★ Dublin Cafe
⃠ Dublin Hotel
⃠ Dublin Hotel Shop
⃠ Catania Cafe
★ Florence Cafe
★ Milan Cafe
★ Milan Shop MXP Airport
★ Rome Cafe
★ Rome Shop St. Peter
★ Rome Shop ViaDelCorso
★ Venice Cafe
★ Venice Shop RialtoBrigde
⃠ Verona Cafe
★ Malta Cafe
⃠ Malta Bar
★ Malta Shop Airport
★ Malta Shop Valletta
★ Amsterdam Cafe
⃠ Amsterdam Hotel
⃠ Amsterdam Hotel Shop
★ Amsterdam Shop
★ Edinburgh Cafe
★ Edinburgh Shop
⃠ Glasgow Cafe
★ Gran Canaria Cafe
★ Gran Canaria Shop
★ Ibiza Hotel
★ Ibiza Hotel
★ Ibiza Hotel Shop
⃠ Ibiza Shop Airport
⃠ Madrid Cafe
★ Madrid Hotel
★ Madrid Hotel Shop
★ Madrid Shop
★ Malaga Cafe
★ Malaga Shop
★ Malaga Shop Airport
★ Mallorca Cafe
★ Mallorca Shop
★ Mallorca Shop Airport A
★ Mallorca Shop Airport C
⃠ Marbella Cafe
★ Marbella Hotel
★ Marbella Hotel Shop
⃠ Seville Cafe
⃠ Seville Shop
★ Tenerife Cafe
★ Tenerife Hotel
★ Tenerife Hotel Shop
★ Valencia Cafe
★ Valencia Shop
⃠ Valencia Shop Train
★ Tenerife Hotel
★ Davos Hotel
★ Davos Hotel Shop
★ Daytona Hotel
★ Daytona Hotel Shop
★ Hollywood Cafe
★ Hollywood, Fl Cafe
★ Hollywood, FL Hotel
★ Hollywood, FL Hotel Shop 1
★ Hollywood, FL Hotel Shop 2
★ Hollywood, FL Live
★ Hollywood, FL Sports Bar
★ Key West Cafe
★ Las Vegas Cafe
⃠ Las Vegas Shop Mirage
★ Miami Cafe
★ Miami Stadium Shop
★ New York Cafe
★ New York Hotel
★ New York Hotel Shop
★ Orlando Cafe
★ Orlando Hotel Shop
★ Orlando Hotel Shop
★ Orlando Live
★ San Francisco Cafe
★ Tampa Cafe
★ Tampa Hotel
★ Tampa Hotel Shop
★ Tampa Bay Airport Cafe
★ Yankee Stadium Cafe
★ HardRock Online Shop
★ Seminole Brighton Casino
★ Seminole Classic Casino
★ Seminole Coconut Casino
★ Seminole Immokalee Casino